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John Thomas Scopes which took place in Daytons Rhea County Courthouse 10-21 July 1925. By far the most celebrated court case in Rhea County and perhaps in all of Tennessee history was the case of the State of Tennessee vs.

At Site Of Scopes Trial Darrow Statue Belatedly Joins Bryan S The New York Times

What became known as the Scopes Monkey Trial began as a publicity stunt for the town of Dayton Tennessee.

The scopes trial was about. The theory of evolution as presented by Charles Darwin and others was a controversial concept in many. Scopes Trial The Scopes Trial is a famous trial that had one main topic to focus on. Nevertheless the tactic succeeded because while.

Leading the prosecution was Arthur Thomas Stewart the District Attorney and he was joined by William Jennings Bryan who was financed by the World Christian Fundamental Association. Eventually the Supreme Court settled many of the issues about the Scopes case in 1968 in a decision called Epperson v. The Scopes Trial The Scopes trial1 took place during a hot July in 1925 in the little town of Dayton nestled in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee.

The Scopes Trial has become a famous case and an emblematic example of the changing morals and ideas in America in the early 20th century. This trial was brought on because John Scopes taught his students about evolution. Traditionalists mocking the modernists thats why its also known as Monkey Trial what was the biggest cultural controversy of the 1920s.

The trial began in Dayton on 11th July 1925. The state of Tennessee passed the Butler Act which forbade the teaching of evolution in state schools on March 25 1925. The first highly publicized trial concerning the teaching of evolution the Scopes trial also represents a dramatic clash between traditional and modern values in America of the 1920s.

The Scopes trial was made into a play and a Hollywood movie Inherit the Wind which are still seen and helped make a modern American legend7 The trial is well-remembered as the image of a triumph of Science over Religion rather than a narrow legal test much less a trial explicitly staged as a publicity stunt for Dayton. The Scopes Trial was a huge event and attracted national and international attention. Scopes Trial Butler Act.

In response the American Civil Liberties Union ACLU offered to pay the legal fees of any Tennessee teacher who was willing. It forbade the teaching of evolution in Tennessee schools. The trial happened in 1925 in Tennessee.

FACTS ABOUT THE SCOPES TRIAL The Butler Act had been passed earlier in 1925. What was the scopes trial about. The stage was set for the Scopes Trial in early 1925 when the Tennessee legislature passed the.

Heres what happened and it all happened rather quickly. For creationists and evolutionists this was a huge trial because it was the first major account of the teaching of evolution. John Scopes was not a biology teacher he was the football coach and was substituting for the regular biology teacher.

The Scopes trial took place on a hot July in 1925 in the little town of Dayton nestled in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee. The ACLU wanted HG. In a time when modern court trials can drag on for months or even years it is amazing to consider that the Scopes trial lasted only 12 days July 10-21-including the selection of the jury.

The teaching of evolution in schools is still challenged in parts of the American South suggesting that the issue has hardly faded to the background. A unanimous Court ruled on the legality of a 1928 Arkansas law that barred teachers in public or state- supported schools from teaching or using. Americas most famous criminal lawyer Clarence Darrow offered to defend Scopes without a fee.

On the trials final day he ordered it expunged from the case. In a time when modern court trials can drag on for months or even years it is amazing to consider that the Scopes trial lasted only 12 days July 1021including the selection of the jury. Scopes was charged with violating state law by teaching Charles Darwins theory of evolution.

Scopes Trial also called the Monkey Trial highly publicized trial that took place July 1021 1925 during which a Dayton Tennessee high-school teacher John T.