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Signs of tardive dyskinesia or tardive dystonia include worm-like movements of the tongue or other uncontrolled movements of the mouth tongue cheeks jaw body arms. Firstly they frequently lead to the patient ceasing to take the drug and thus relapse may occur.

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Side effects of phenothiazines.

Side effects of phenothiazines. 5058169 PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE MeSH Terms. Get a printable copy PDF file of the complete article 282K or click on a page image below to browse page by page. For example it has been known for several years that extrapyramidal disorders occur frequently in patients taking phenothiazines.

Tardive dyskinesia or tardive dystonia muscle movement disorders may occur and may not go away after you stop using the medicine. In out-patients there are two reasons for taking side-effects seriously. Such changes were evaluated in 19 longterm psychiatric patients who had taken phenothiazines over periods ranging from five to 32 years to assess whether decreased contrast sensitivity function and colour vision anomalies could be used as indicators.

Phenothiazines produce a set of side effect and many of them are attributed to their action on specific type of receptors. No authors listed PMCID. These recent reports refer to side effects which are apparently permanent in contrast to earlier communications of transient deleterious effects.

However a reduction in dosage or cessation of medication appeared to produce a return to the normal state. Side effects of phenothiazines may include weight changes. Access provided by MSN Academic Search.

Oculotoxic and dermatotoxic side effects of phenothiazines Garenfeld W Wilting I. Corresponding Author Department of. More common Constipation mild decreased sweating dizziness drowsiness dryness of mouth nasal congestion.

What are the serious and irreversible side effects of phenothiazines. Full text Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Movement Disorderschemically induced Schizophreniadrug therapy.

Secondly they may be dangerous or even fatal if unreportedfor example the signs of agranulocytosis. Phenothiazines can sometimes cause serious unwanted effects. The most serious potential side effect of phenothiazines is a condition called tardive dyskinesia where the patient experiences involuntary and uncontrolled movements like twitching even after discontinuing the medicationPatients who notice changes in movement while on the medication should discuss.

6033501 PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE MeSH Terms. Ocular side effects of phenothiazines. Intended for healthcare professionals.

Links to PubMed are also available for Selected References. Tijdschr Psychiatr 494251-255 01 Jan 2007 Cited by 1 article PMID. Among these motor disturbances li.

Phenothiazine antipsychotics may cause extra-pyramidal symptoms such. Phenothiazines can cause permanent tardive dystonia muscle movement disorders and liver damages. As abnormal muscle contractions difficulty breathing and swallowing neck spasms and movement abnormalities on face arms and legs.

Most disturbing is the fact that major and possibly fatal arrhythmias can occur in young adults without antecedent heart disease who are receiving therapeutic. A well-documented association exists between the phenothiazines and the tricyclic antidepressants and such alarming side effects as cardiac arrhythmias ECG changes and even sudden death.